My KLEVER journey into the Cryptocurrency Universe

Jeff Pschar
4 min readOct 22, 2020

Download: Klever Wallet

I will only scratch the surface on what Klever is and why you should strongly consider making it a part of your arsenal, should you decide to take a journey like I did…but first a little background on my journey.

My adventure started a few years ago with my first cryto purchase of TRX tokens on the Binance Exchange. The process was all new to me and the fear of making a mistake and losing my $ was very strong. It was a series of small transactions and verifying results before sending larger amounts :-)

Just some more swap-pairs recently added

Once I became comfortable with the owning, swapping, and moving cryptocurrency…my next step was to find out more about them. In other words, find like minded individuals that I could speak with and learn from. After some searching I settled on joining a few Telegram groups related to crypto. This was both the best and worst decision of my life ;-)

The “DYOR” or (Do Your Own Research) is a constant message and even though it can be annoying to hear, it is honestly one of the core lessons I’ve learned in the world. The crypto world is totally open and new, leading to innovation as well as the not so nice aspects of loose regulation (“Shit coins”, “Scams”, “Self-imploding projects”, etc…)

I won’t bore you with all the gritty details, but let’s just say it was a long and arduous road that led me to a few projects that I am currently focused on and after Doing My Own Research :-) found to have checked all the boxes. The one I will metion here is #KLV or Klever “Wallet”.

Multiple Chains — One Wallet

I put Wallet in quotes because although that may be it’s primary function and why I originally downloaded and used, it has quickly become more of a Klever Ecosystem. Klever has taken all of the lessons and connections I have learned including: Exchange, Swap, Referral, Browse, DApp integration, Education, Fiat-Crypto purchase, Staking/Earning and has built them into a Multi-chain (BTC, BNB, ETH, DGB, DASH, LTC, TRX, DOGE, and more on the way) crypto system that is Secure, Intuitive and Evolving at break neck speed.

Klever gives you the keys to your future

When I look for a project, whether it be in the crypto space or in the “real” world…there are certain things I want to see before I am willing to trust them with my hard earned $ . A Focus on Safety, Understanding of the landscape, Ability to communicate, Strong Team from top-to-bottom, and a Passion to innovate. All of these I continue to see from the Klever team. This is jut my opinion and by all means DYOR.

Klever Community just keeps growing

I will try to work on a Medium article soon that digs deeper into all the functionality that Klever delivers, but for now I want to leave you with the message that Cryptocurrencies like most new things can be scary and at times overwhelming. It helps to have a “tool” that allows you to safely explore targeted areas of the crypto universe, including multiple chains, as well as gives you the freedom to explore freely when you are comfortable. For this reason I would like to recommend anyone looking to dip their toe (Big or otherwise) into the crypto arena….start with downloading the Klever “Wallet” and begin your own journey :-) Of course DYOR (see it can be a little annoying)

Are your friends Klever?

My shameless Klever referral link: Klever Wallet

